Personal Brand | Who is Your Target Audience

"How do I want to be perceived by my target audience?"

I've asked this question and was working out the method to determine an answer.

Who is your target audience? Who do you want to reach? When I realized that Grok probably knows better than I can figure out, and it is faster...
Here is a prompt for AI to suggest who is actually following you and reading your posts.
"act as a social media expert, social media advisor and personal brand expert reading [your X handle] last 50 posts and interactions. identify 3 profiles of my followers and create a Ideal Customer Profile that describes my audience"

Bonus: replace [Your X handle] with [your competitor] and use the same prompt to find other peoples ICP.

-- Grok Results --
  • Social Media & Personal Branding Insight:
    • Followers are likely attracted to content that addresses personal development, entrepreneurship, and critical thinking.
    • Engagement with content that provides direct, actionable advice related to life's challenges or business strategies.
  • Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) Characteristics:
    • Goal-Oriented Achievers: Focus on productivity, financial independence, and business success.
    • Free Thinkers: Engage with content questioning norms and offering unconventional wisdom.
    • Digital Natives: Heavily engaged in digital life, interested in social media strategies and tech trends.
  • Content Engagement Preferences:
    • Value content that's interactive, educational, or motivational.
    • Prefer authenticity and straightforwardness over generic motivational messages.
  • Platform Utilization:
    • Likely active across various platforms, using X for networking, Instagram for lifestyle, LinkedIn for professional connections, and possibly TikTok for quick content.
  • Behavioral Insights:
    • Regularly interact through likes, comments, shares, especially with content that has potential for virality or aligns with personal growth themes