How I used AI to build a Digital Course: Real Example

How I used AI to build a digital course.

Real example:

In my quest to find ways to help people get from "I know nothing" to "I know something", here is the step by step method I used to create a digital course.

I built a process to "fill your inbox with job request". I've posted about this for many years and have done webinars, spaces, personal coaching and other posts/talks. I thought I would ask AI (Grok for this example) questions on how to create a create a good digital course, what modules and how to price this as a product/service.

Below are the results, I formatted the results for easier reading.

Grok Prompt: 

"act as a digital course creator
list the most optimum size by module
for a digital course creator"


Creating an effective digital course involves breaking down content into digestible pieces for better learner engagement and retention. Here's a guideline on the optimal sizes for different modules in a digital course:

1. Introduction Module
Length: 5-10 minutes
Content: Overview of the course, learning objectives, what to expect, and perhaps a motivational message or the importance of the subject.

2. Core Modules or Lessons
Video Length: 6-15 minutes per video
Why: Attention spans can wane after 15 minutes for a single topic. However, if the content requires, it can be on the longer side but should be engaging.
Text/PDF Content: 1,000 - 2,500 words if it's a reading module, but ideally split into smaller articles or sections if longer.
Exercises/Quizzes: 5-20 questions or practical tasks that can be completed in 10-30 minutes.

3. Sub-modules or Sections within Core Modules
Length: If you're breaking down topics further within a core module:
Videos: 2-5 minutes for micro-lessons or explanations of specific concepts.
Interactive Elements: Short simulations, drag-and-drop activities, or mini-games should last 2-10 minutes.

4. Summaries or Recap Modules
Length: 3-7 minutes
Purpose: To reinforce key points, often can be in the form of a quick video, infographic, or bullet points.

5. Case Studies or Real-World Examples
Length: 10-20 minutes
This can be longer because real-world applications often require more context and depth.

6. Q&A or Live Sessions (if applicable)
Length: 30-60 minutes
Live sessions can be longer as they involve interaction, but it's good to keep them within an hour to maintain engagement.

7. Final Project or Assessment
Time to Complete: 1-3 hours or more, depending on the complexity. However, it's often broken down into steps that can be tackled in segments.

8. Supplementary Materials
Length: Varies widely. Can include:
Reading materials: No strict limit but should be relevant and concise.
Additional videos: 5-20 minutes for deeper dives into topics of interest or for advanced learning.

General Tips:
Chunking: Always aim to chunk information into smaller, manageable pieces. This helps in maintaining learner interest and aids in memory retention.
Engagement: Mix media types (videos, texts, quizzes, interactive elements) to cater to different learning styles and keep the course dynamic.
Breaks: Encourage or design breaks within or between modules to prevent cognitive overload.

Remember, these are optimal sizes based on educational psychology and user engagement metrics, but the content's nature, the audience's preferences, and the subject matter can dictate variations from these guidelines. Always test your course with a small group of your target audience to refine these timings based on feedback.


Follow Up Prompt:
"Define a module creation plan to make this attractive to job seekers
Here is the outline  of major steps
Here are the Personal Job Pipeline steps to getting a contractor job

Update your resume
Update your job board profile
Apply apply apply
Answer every recruiter email and phone call
Interview with the client
Accept offer
Leave current role, and start new role"


To make your digital course attractive to job seekers, especially those looking for contractor positions, you can structure your course around the Personal Job Pipeline you've outlined, enhancing each step with actionable advice, tools, and motivational content. Here's how you might design each module:

Course Title: "Securing Your Next Contract: A Job Seeker's Blueprint"
Module 1: Introduction to Contracting
Objective: Understand the contracting landscape.
Differences between full-time and contract work.
Benefits and challenges of contracting.
Overview of industries that frequently hire contractors.

Module 2: Perfecting Your Resume for Contract Roles
Objective: Learn how to tailor your resume for contract positions.
Key elements to highlight (flexibility, project-based achievements, specific skills).
Template walkthrough and customization tips.
Interactive resume builder tool or downloadable templates.

Module 3: Optimizing Your Job Board Profile
Objective: Stand out on job platforms.
Best practices for profile completeness and optimization.
Keywords and SEO for job seekers.
Examples of effective profiles, maybe with before-and-after scenarios.

Module 4: The Art of Application
Objective: Maximize application success rate.
How to apply effectively (cover letters for contractors, application tracking).
Time management for applications.
Tools for tracking applications.

Module 5: Mastering Recruiter Interactions
Objective: Turn recruiter contacts into opportunities.
How to respond to emails and calls professionally.
Setting up informational interviews.
Negotiation tactics for contract terms.

Module 6: Nailing the Interview
Objective: Prepare for success in client interviews.
Common interview questions for contractors.
Mock interview videos or interactive sessions.
Dress code, virtual interview setup, and body language tips.

Module 7: Offer Negotiation and Acceptance
Objective: Secure the best deal for yourself.
Understanding contract terms.
Negotiation strategies for rates, duration, and conditions.
Acceptance protocols and what to do if you have multiple offers.

Module 8: Transitioning Between Roles
Objective: Smoothly move from one contract to another or to a new role.
How to professionally leave a current role.
Starting a new contract: First impressions, setting expectations, etc.
Managing finances between contracts.

Module 9: Keeping the Pipeline Full
Objective: Ensure continuous job opportunities.
Networking strategies for contractors.
Maintaining relationships with recruiters and past clients.
Continuous skill development and certification.

Bonus Module: Success Stories and Q&A
Objective: Inspire and resolve queries.
Interviews with successful contractors.
Live Q&A sessions or pre-recorded answers to common questions.

Course Features to Enhance Engagement:
Interactive Quizzes: After each module to reinforce learning.
Checklists and Worksheets: For each step of the job pipeline.
Community Forum: For learners to share experiences, tips, and job leads.

Live Webinars: With industry experts for real-time interaction.
Resource Library: Additional reading, tools, and links for job hunting and professional development.

This course structure not only covers the practical steps needed but also includes motivational content, real-world application, and community support, making it highly attractive to job seekers in the contracting market.


Follow Up Prompt:
"What would be a good price for this digital course?"

Pricing a digital course depends on several factors including the course's depth, the target audience, the uniqueness of the content, the perceived value, market competition, and the platform on which it's offered. Here are some considerations and a suggested pricing strategy:

Factors to Consider:
Content Value: How specialized or in-demand is the information? If your course offers unique insights or skills not easily found elsewhere, you can charge more.
Course Length and Depth: More comprehensive courses with hours of content, interactive elements, and ongoing support can justify a higher price.

Target Audience:
Individual Job Seekers: Likely to have less disposable income, especially if they're currently between jobs.
Corporate Clients: Companies buying in bulk for their employees can afford higher prices.
Production Quality: High-quality videos, professional design, and interactive tools can increase the perceived value.
Additional Support: Live sessions, one-on-one coaching, or community access can add to the price.
Market Comparison: Look at similar courses. Price competitively unless you offer significantly more value.

Suggested Pricing Tiers:
Given that this course is aimed at job seekers, particularly contractors, here are some pricing ideas:

Basic Package: Price: $99 - $149
Includes: Access to all video modules, downloadable resources, quizzes.

Standard Package: Price: $199 - $299
Includes: Everything in the Basic package plus interactive elements like a resume builder tool, access to a community forum, and perhaps one live Q&A session.

Premium Package: Price: $399 - $599
Includes: All Standard features plus personal feedback on resume or job applications, more extensive live sessions or webinars, and perhaps one or two personal coaching calls.

VIP or Elite Package (if applicable): Price: $799 - $1200+
For those seeking personalized coaching, extensive one-on-one time, or bespoke content tailored to their industry or situation. This could also include ongoing access or updates to course material.

Additional Strategies:
Early Bird Pricing: Offer a discount for early sign-ups to generate initial interest and testimonials.

Payment Plans: To make the course more accessible, especially for individual job seekers, offer payment plans for the higher-tier packages.

Scholarships or Discounts: Consider offering reduced rates or scholarships for those who can prove they're currently unemployed or in financial need.

Bundling: If you have other courses or resources, bundle them together at a discount.

Affiliate Marketing: Allow others to sell your course for a commission, which can help in reaching a broader audience.

Money-Back Guarantee: Offer a satisfaction guarantee within a certain period to reduce the perceived risk of purchase.

Remember, the perceived value often dictates what people are willing to pay. If your course significantly increases the chances of securing a well-paying contract job, even the higher price points can be justified. However, start with market testing at different price points to see what your audience is willing to pay, and adjust based on feedback and sales data.