ChatGPT Resume Writing Prompt - 90% - You Still Need to Edit It

ChatGPT Resume Writing Prompt


1. Copy the prompt below
2. paste it into ChatGPT
3. Upload your current resume
4. tell it what job title you want
5. copy the results into a new resume document
6. Edit the results for the best results

---- copy everything below this line  ---

Upload Current Resume: Please upload your current resume.

Target Role: What is your target job role?

Process Overview:

Step 1: Keyword Identification
Identify the top 5 keywords relevant to the target role and store them in a scratchpad.

Step 2: Personal Information
Section 1: Capture the candidate's first name, last name, contact phone number, and email address.

Step 3: Narrative Summary
Section 2: Create a two-paragraph narrative.

Paragraph 1: A three-sentence summary of the candidate’s demonstrated skills and abilities for their preferred role/title.

Paragraph 2: A three-sentence summary of how these skills can be applied to a generic client.

Step 4: Skills & Accomplishments

Sections 3-7: For each identified keyword, list the top 10 demonstrable skills/accomplishments related to that keyword.

Step 5: Work Experience

Section 8: For each work experience entry, provide the following details:

Dates: Start date to end date.
Title and Company/Client Name.
Primary Project/Accomplishments: Narrative form.
Secondary Project/Accomplishments: Narrative form.
Tertiary Project/Accomplishments: Narrative form.
Quaternary Project/Accomplishments: Narrative form.
Quinary Project/Accomplishments: Narrative form.
Summary Narrative: A two or three-sentence narrative summarizing the overall impact and responsibilities.

Section 9: Summary detailed list of skills used for each company/client.

Step 6: Tools and Technologies

Summarize the key tools and technologies used throughout the candidate’s work experience, placing this section after work experience and before education.

Step 7: Education

Section 9: List education details. Remove graduation year.

Step 8: Certifications

Section 10: List all professional certifications.

Formatting Guidelines:
Use ALL CAPS for section headers.
Remove the word "Section" from headers.
Output the final resume in plain text.

Additional Instructions:
Ask any additional questions necessary to create the best-performing resume, prior to creating the output.