13 Underappreciated Traits You Absolutely Need to Succeed:

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Solid advice.

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Solid advice.
2. Solid Speaking Skills
I was an active member of my high school debate team for all four years. The extracurricular helped me become more articulate, logical, and a better public speaker overall. These skills have played a critical role in my development into the business leader I am today. – Paul Hager, Information Technology Professionals
6. Coachability
Pretty much anyone can take feedback at a surface level, but actually evaluating criticism and learning from it is a rare trait. After all, feedback is incredibly personal and it can cause severe damage to your ego. Rather than nodding to harsh feedback, I learned from the best by really taking their advice to heart and separating my self-worth from my ability to have valuable learning experiences. – Elle Kaplan, LexION Capital
7. Honesty
People appreciate my emphasis on honesty. It’s surprising, given all the people who don’t focus on it, but honesty is still highly valued among customers who are seeking that authentic experience. Even if it means telling a customer I can’t do something, I’d rather be honest and let them know. They appreciate that and come back when I can help them. – Drew Hendricks, Buttercup
8. Calmness
I have always been a very laid-back person, sometimes to a fault. In my business, I often find myself in the middle of stressful and complex deals. By staying calm, I’m able to see things more objectively and not allow the stress of the deal to force a bad decision. – Mark Daoust, Quiet Light Brokerage, Inc.