Don't Be This Kind of Interviewee - On Careers (

Sam the Salesman
Sam has been told that he needs to sell himself during the interview, so he's been practicing assertive, borderline aggressive, language. He is ready to go. The interviewer asks why he is interested in the job and without pause, Sam lists all his qualifications. His answer does not include anything about the job requirements, nor does he include any knowledge about the company's recent growth. His answers are so rehearsed, they sound slick. Mid-interview, Sam attempts to close the deal prematurely by asking "When do I start?"
The Fix: The interview is an opportunity for Sam to sell his skills, but he should pay more attention to the employer's needs and wants. Today's sales people are problem solvers and take a consultative approach. If Sam included how his skills and experience matched up with the job description, he would appear more interested. There is a fine line between being too pushy and confident. Rote answers come across as disingenuous. The best way for Sam to assert himself is by researching the company thoroughly and asking well-thought-out questions. If Sam was interviewing for a sales job, he should know to ask for the job at the very end of the interview.

Don't Be This Kind of Interviewee - On Careers (