3 Steps To Build Your Network, From Scratch

You finally have decided that you need to build your network.

Awesome. How do you do it?

  1. Make a list of everyone you know.
  2. Get their contact information
  3. Contact them

Lets talk about everyone you know.

Start with everyone you interact with daily, then add all the other people you forgot. Seriously! As you write down everyone, add their boss, kids, wife, father-in-law... everyone.

Here is a list of categories of people you know. Hint, you may have to introduce yourself to people you "see" all the time but do not know.

  • Friends
  • Family
  • Neighbors
  • Co-Workers
  • Boss
  • People at church
  • Pub / bar / coffee shop
  • Parents at your kids sports events
  • Retail clerks
  • Police / fire / utilities / delivery drivers
  • Hobby / training / gym / bike
  • Internet friends / facebook / myspace / chat / email / twitter (google these if you do not know what they are)

Then get their contact information.

Introduce yourself and ask if they have a twitter account / facebook / email. Connect with them and send them a message thanking them for connecting with you. If you are more than just the nod-as-you-walk-by friends ask them for their email.

Then contact them.

I send out a quarterly email and blog post to everyone in my network. You can see it at whatsupwithandy.posterous.com. I write a blog post, send it in email, tweet it, put the link and invitation to read it on facebook and linkedin.

That should get help you started.

Image by Marc_Smith


Posted via email from AndyWergedal