“For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.” – H L Mencken
Author Byline: Resume Builder
Author Website: http://resumebuildertemplate.com
If you are a happy applicant, looking for your dream-job and you don’t know what to start with then this is the article for you.
You must have heard a saying, that the first impression of a person is formed judging from his or her clothes and behaviour. The same happens with your CV and you should think how to “serve” the information under the right “dressing”. For example, if you are a student, applying for a job it’s better to list your education and skills first. This will draw away unnecessary attention from your poor work experience.
But if you’ve got an impressive work record or positive complimentary references from the former employers- don’t hesitate and start chronicling your rewards’ satiated working life. You may include everything that shows you to the best advantage before the employer. Write about your educational background, public affairs even voluntary work if this will help you to score the points. Though don’t let pride carry you to far away. Highly unlikely will the prospective employer be interested in your skills of a trombone player if you are applying for the position of a manager. Being precise and concrete are the qualities valued by any company. Each paragraph in the CV must not only be concise ( remember that your resume will not be the only one and employment consultant spend only from 5 to 7 minutes reading each) but also titled. There are almost no restrictions in choice of titles ( information on your work experience may be titled as “Employment” or just “Work experience”). But still there are some rules: for instance it’s generally accepted to place your latest job first and to mention your previous duties and how they will help on your new job. Don’t forget to mention the name of the employer, duration of each employment. There exist even special manuals training you what words to use in order to hint subtly the urgent need of the company to take you and only you for the position.
It happens sometimes that you don’t know how to group all the experience you have. For example if you decided to turn over a new “job leaf” and feel that your heavy “experience bag” doesn’t exactly suit the “gate” to a new “career lea”. Then you definitely need to stake on your skills not the references from the former employer. In such a situation you may emphasize the level of your trainability and ardent desire to work. Naturally the section of skills and their importance for the required job will be put in the forefront and take the biggest part of the resume. You may unite some of your skills. For instance if you learned quick typing, while working on one position and used to be a hostess in some other firm, then definitely you could act as a secretary, though you might not be applying for this job.
And remember the golden rule of all job seekers: not only the content of a resume must correspond to its form, but also you must correspond to the content. So, trying to seem better than you are don’t forget that when taken for the job you really will have to be better.
Article courtesy of the Recruiting Blogswap, a content exchange service sponsored by CollegeRecruiter.com, a leading site for college students looking for internships and recent graduates searching for entry level jobs and other career opportunities.
Good luck in your search.