By founder, J.T. O’Donnell
I’ve been in the career coaching business for 9+ years. Prior to that, I was in the HR/staffing industry. I’ve met all kinds of career coaches. Some are truly exceptional. Others are okay. Then, there are always the few who give our profession a bad name.
Bad Career Coaches Make Me Mad!
At least once each week, I am contacted by someone who got outdated, misguided advice from a well-intentioned, but off-base career advisor. I’ve also been asked to review countless resumes that were supposedly done by a specialist. However, after submitting it to over 500 jobs, the person is now starting to wonder if the ‘new-and-improved’ resume they paid good money for might actually be the problem. Sadly, these resumes often look like they were done by my 8 year-old.
FACT: Now that every job is temporary, more and more Americans are going to need to seek the advice of experts to help them effectively market their businesses-of-one. Today, staying employed means staying on top of the latest news and techniques for job search and career advancement. In the same way we need doctors and dentists to keep us healthy, we now need professionals to keep our careers healthy. School teaches you everything EXCEPT how to find career satisfaction on your own terms. Thus, it only makes sense that we would work with an expert to help us take control of our futures.
I’m Fighting Back
Unfortunately, with this increased need for career experts, many scam-artists and unqualified opportunists will try to take advantage those in need of help. I can’t stop them, but I can focus on helping legitimate career experts get the exposure they need so they can do good work and help people be happier on-the-job.
This Wednesday, August 18th, at 1:30pm EST/10:30am PST, I’m hosting a FREE webinar for the good career coaches. (Bad career coaches need not bother to listen in!) In it, I’m going to share the five common mistakes respectable career coaches make on-line. I’m hoping this information will help legitimate career experts understand how to support the masses. I’m also hoping to identify a few new coaches I can then invite to join the CAREEREALISM team.
Can’t attend the live event? Still sign-up and then we’ll send you the recording the next day.
Good coaches…I hope to see you there!