Whenever you start a new job, you get to do fun things like set up your work space, create a new e-mail signature, and figure out the best corner of the parking lot. Another fun aspect of starting a new job is getting all the supplies with your new company’s logo and branding on them: business cards, envelopes, letterhead, maybe even a laptop bag or portfolio.
You don’t have to work for an established company to have spiffy branded materials at your disposal. In fact, establishing a brand for yourself as a job candidate helps you stand out from the crowd. Your brand encompasses everything from a personal branding statement to the font you choose for your resume and cover letters. Once you’ve settled on a particular look for your materials, you can use it exactly as a company would: on networking business cards, professionally printed name tags, and on letterhead for all your correspondence.
What should your letterhead include? Just like a company’s, your letterhead will have your name and contact information, including e-mail address. You can include the URL for a personal Web site or your LinkedIn profile. Most individuals do not have a logo for themselves, and for most industries it is not appropriate to include a photo. However, the branding statement from your resume looks great right below your contact information—just as companies use tag lines for their brands.
An example of how this would look is below:
1234 Home Address, Anytown, NY 12345
john.doe@gmail.com * (123) 555-7777 * www.linkedin.com/in/johndoe
Maximizing human resources for outstanding productivity
This same information would go on your personal business cards and other networking materials. Then, whenever you meet potential networking contacts, any materials you give or send to them will have a consistent look.
Companies aren’t the only ones who need sharp looking branding materials. After all, as a job seeker, you’re in the business of you!
Jessica Holbrook Hernandez is an expert resume writer, career and personal branding strategist, author, speaker and President/CEO of Great Resumes Fast. She creates high-impact, best-in-class, resumes and cover letters that transform job searches into interviews and ultimately job offers. For more information about professional resume writing or to read more career and job search related articles visit http://www.greatresumesfast.com or call 1.800.991.5187.