Total Voters: 201
Not much surprise here, you probably wrote your own resume too.
8% Someone else (mostly)
This poll answer could have been clearer, but I think voters did understand that it was for the case where the main writer of your resume wasn’t you or a professional resume writer. Perhaps it was a family member, a friend, a school counselor, a job search coach, a career center staffer, etc.
When I found my job at Amazon, a friend helped translate translated my resume into French. He did a great job, and the result was memorable in a completely unintentional but positive way- there were some Quebecois expressions that got a chuckle from French recruiters.
6% A professional resume writer
A little surprised at this result, I expected it to be lower, as in closer to 2-3%.
However, combining these last 2 results means that 14% of resumes are not written by the job seeker.
I take this as a good sign that people are beginning to appreciate more how relying on experts can get them expert results.
Why was this poll so accurate?
Although the final poll received 201 votes, the percentages were almost identical as when there were only 20 votes, and they barely changed over the next 3 1/2 weeks. In other words, although the vote count increased steadily while the poll was open, the bar chart you see above kept the same bars throughout.