We are all aware the job market now is very competitive. Here are 3 things to keep in the front of your mind when putting together a resume and during any interviews you might be fortunate enough to garner.
1. Be Honest In All Things And At All Times
We have all heard the stories that have come to light regarding those that have been caught in outright lies. Perhaps when it comes to politicians, we expect it. It seems they are likely to say or do anything to garner votes. We have seen leading politicians or candidates embellishing their military careers. We have seen many people harmed by Internet postings of photos and writings they were hoping would never come back to haunt them.
It is very important to remember in this age of instant communications, and vast social networks, that there is little that can remain secret or hidden. It is always best to address potential issues up front. Nearly everyone has had a lapse in judgment, or made bad choices, sometimes in their lives. Most employers will understand and appreciate that fact.
If you lie, or attempt to embellish your history, the odds are very high you will be found out. Try not to complicate your situation by adding another transgression.
2. Be Prepared To Present Your Next Employer with Positive Ideas
If you take the time to learn the most you can about a prospective employer, you may well see something specific that ties directly into your past experience or talents. Perhaps you are familiar with a tool or resource you have used that increased your personal sales production, or that of your entire sales team. Maybe you see an area they are planning to expand into that you are perfectly suited for. You might find that an area of the country they are looking to open an office is very familiar to you and you can provide some helpful insights into the demographics or competing markets.
You will want to find something you can offer as a suggestion or idea that will set you apart. If nothing else, taking the time to research a firm you are interested in will most certainly impress those you interview with.
3. Know the Business You Are Interviewing With
This ties into number 2 in some areas, but is designed to learn more about how you can prove yourself an asset to a prospective employer right from the start. Be prepared to ask pertinent questions. Asking questions shows an interest on your part and is a great way to learn more about the individual they have in mind. You can then present your strengths that will meet their expectations.
When you show a sincere interest in the company and their business, you will learn more, and they will come to see even more clearly the skills you bring to the table for them. You may find that because of your enthusiasm, they will be eager to train you and make you a part of their future plans. It could prove to be nothing but a win-win situation for you and for them.
Finding a professional resume service will help you find and accent your strengths and the best way to address possible shortcomings that could come to light.
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