Resume Advice: Avoid Gimmickry In A Job Search - Secrets of the Job Hunt Career Podcast

There is a strong temptation in today's highly competitive job market to go for gimmicks to make one's resume stand out from the crowded field. The temptation is particularly strong after a number of rejections.

Avoid gimmickry like the plague.

There are rare occasions when a really creative tactic works, but most of them will backfire and make a resume stand out for all the wrong reasons. Still some applicants--especially entry and mid-level professionals-- resort to outlandish devices.

"It's really disheartening when you send your resumes out and get nothing in return," says Cynthia Shapiro, a career coach for those searching for jobs. "It just makes people feel like they have to do something crazy to get noticed."

Here are some examples of the more off-the-wall gimmicks cited in a recent Wall Street Journal article.

A junior marketing professional attempted to send his resume by homing pigeon. The bird never returned.

In another instance, a resume was cut into pieces and enclosed in a Russian stacking doll.

An electronic key chain and note were attached to a resume, saying, "The only noise you'll hear out of me are the ones generated by this letter."

A candidate thought it was a good idea to bring a Rubik Cube to an interview to demonstrate problem-solving skills.

A job hunter dressed as a gorilla, accompanied by balloons, hand delivered his resume with a song explaining his qualifications. (In fact, personal delivery of resumes is fairly common, but they usually fail because they convey a sense of desperation.)

Some resumes include jokes, nutty photographs, "cute" gifts, or free tickets to ball games.

Slang or funky language and spelling are no-nos, as are industry and professional jargon. So are shorthand symbols and decorative symbols in emails.

Dale Winston, CEO of Battalia Winston International, an executive search firm once received a resume with two Pepto-Bismol tablets enclosed along with a note that read: "I'm one candidate that won't nauseate you. However, since I don't know how the rest of your day is going, accept some relief, compliments of me."

Job seekers sometimes will send their cover letter inside an unsealed envelope without a resume. The idea is to make it appear the resume fell out with the idea that the recruiter will reply by asking for a resume.

However, there are rare instances when creative tactics to grab attention are in order, such as advertising, public relations and marketing. But good taste as to subject matter is always required. Also, avoid costly gimmicks lest you appear to be attempting to bribe the recruiter.

It is far better, of course, to make one's cover letter and resume stand out from the crowd by simple, straightforward communications that present qualifications that "fit" the position.

Appropriate follow-ups to keep the application in the recruiter's mind are also highly desirable. The rules for cover letters and resumes also apply for notes that express appreciation for the opportunity to interview and state positive interest in the opportunity.

Where once snail mail was required, thank you notes via email are now acceptable, even preferred. Make messages concise and personalized. No "smiley faces." Texting, Facebook and MySpace are not to be used.

After all is said and done, it's really very simple. Jobs go to candidates who do the best job in convincing the recruiter that he or she can serve the needs of the employer, not who can be cleverest with gimmickry.

I wish you career success.

Ramon Greenwood, The Career Coach, Common Sense At Work

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