The Job Search, Reconsidered | Blog

While monitoring a lot of chatter on Twitter recently regarding the usage by companies of social networking to fill jobs, something struck me that I had not processed previously: not everyone is doing it!

Talk about a revelation.  I am aware of the slow adoption of social networking for some companies, but this week something was really clarified for me.  While having many conversations (don’t worry I won’t name drop), it became obvious that the “old school” recruiting mentality is still a big deal for many recruiters to either accept and use or get their organization to approve.

But what does this mean for you as a possible job candidate?  For one, don’t exclusively use social networking to find your next position.  Yes, social networking is important to get you in contact with the right person/people within organizations.  However, you still need to continue to use more traditional job searching tools. 

Ideas about where to focus today:

  • Social Networking – You MUST be here and you have to be an active participant.  On Twitter, follow the hashtags of #jobhuntchat or #tnl to get insights from the HR and recruiting world.  Do not make social networking your sole strategy to find a job, incorporate it into the big picture!
  • Work the Referrals – Referrals, referrals and more referrals.  You must treat every event like a networking event.  When you are job seeking, you need to be engaging in conversations anywhere.  It could be at your local Panera Bread or Atlanta Bread or Starbucks or wherever!  You need to be on your toes to connect with anyone that you have the potential to bump into.
  • Company Career Pages – A must-do activity.  Everyone has a company they would like to work for, be it a global brand or a local organization.  No matter the company, you need to create a profile in their careers section and register for openings.  Most company careers systems will allow you to create a search string (based upon keywords and/or title) and have new positions emailed to you.  This is the way to get in-the-know of immediate opportunities.  Why?  Companies post to their corporate pages before external job boards.
  • Job Boards – You must continue to use job boards.  Did you know that in the resume database that 72% of resumes are from people currently employed?  Staggering fact, but it continues to highlight the importance of a job board.

The best advice I can provide is to have a blended job search strategy.  Sure, it is partially about who you know.  But who you know may not always think of you.  Treat a job search as your full time J.O.B. (thanks Eric!), create a plan and work the plan.

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Keith McIlvaine manages the recruiting social media strategy for a Fortune 500 company and is an avid networker.  He is a corporate recruiter, social media advisor, coach, speaker, blogger and an all around fanatic.  Connect with Keith on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook or on his blog at the HR farmer.  (The statements posted on this site are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer)

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