He Needs the Basics on How to Find His First Summer Job - The Career Doctor Blog

David writes:

I’m trying to get a job for the summer but I don’t know where to look or how to fill out an application for a job. I’m not dumb or anything like that but it’s my first summer looking for a job. Could you please help me out without giving me a full essay on how to get a job?

The Career Doctor responds:

I am a big believer in teens getting summer jobs, so I am more than happy to give you some short, but practical advice on summer job-hunting and job applications. Summer jobs are a great way for teens to get a taste of the work world, gain some valuable experience, and earn a decent amount of money.

The keys to obtaining a summer job are these: preparing a resume (and learning how to complete a job application), developing an action plan on where you plan to apply for jobs, learning how to dress properly for interviews, and practicing for typical job interview questions.

Teens do not really need a resume to apply for a summer job, but by creating one, you will stand out from other teens without resumes. The key to job applications is having all the information you need to complete them, and I would recommend getting a sample of one before you actually complete one for real. Remember to read and follow the instructions carefully, and if you are completing it by hand, do it as neatly as possible. Answer everything as honestly as possible, but never provide negative information.

There are LOTS of places to look for summer jobs, including local retailers (downtown and at the mall), seasonal employers (like camps, tourist attractions), local government, and even local businesses. You’ll need to pound the pavement, applying at as many places as possible while also using your family and family friends to keep an eye out for job openings for you.

What do employers want from teens? Employers want motivated teens who are going to arrive to work on time, have a positive attitude, work hard, work well with others, show leadership qualities, work their full shift, and do the best job they can.

Posted via web from AndyWergedal