Reposted from CareerAlley
"The expert in battle seeks his victory from strategic advantage and does not demand it from his men." - Sun Tzu
Sun Tzu, the Art of War, Target Job Market, it kind of all fits together. But the key is strategic advantage and the only way to gain that is to target your job market and focus your search. What does that mean? Target market includes your preferred industry, your preferred line of work (skills, experience and education), your preferred company (large, small, private, public), market impact on your industry and compensation requirements versus the market.
Find your Industry:
- Career and Job Resources by Industry - This list of industry sites is provided by Quintcareers. The page starts with a list of links to the most popular industries. Click on an industry link to a full page of specific industry links. There is a search box on the right hand side of the page where you can also search by industry. The bottom of the page has related links to Company Career Centers and Job Sites by Category.
Skills Assessment:
- Industry Job Network - This site provides links to industry job sites and is provided by The page provides an overview with a link to their industry job site at the start of the overview (center page). There are links on the left hand side of the page for industry testimonials. Click on Industry Job Sites to view a comprehensive page of links for almost every industry you can think of. Click on any of the industries and you will be led to a list of jobs in that industry.
- Self-Assessment Resources - The Riley Guide, one of the best career resources available, provides a page of resources for self-assessment. The page includes definitions, followed by links to related information (such as a table with assessment tools). There are links to Interest Inventories, Skill Surveys, Values Inventories and more.
Compensation & Salary Assessment:
- Skills Center - Careeronestop provides this resource. The page has links at the top for Assess Your Skills, Review your Skills and Skills Standards. This is followed by links for resources in each of these categories. There are additional links for Skills Shortage (which is what you need for specific job types). Could could definitely spend all day on this site, checking all of the resources available.
- Worth Your Weight in Gold? Know Your Bottom Line - CareerAlley's links to Salary Surveys (one for IT jobs, links to sites with hundreds of surveys and salary guides by industry). Following this are links to salary calculators (type in your title and location to get a read on your salary) and salary comparisons.
Good luck in your search.
- Career Salary - This article provides a complete overview of salary surveys. The site, by, provides a brief overview of what a salary survey is, followed by links to salary surveys and salary data. There is also coverage of online salary calculators.