7 Questions to Ask at a Job Interview

photo from biojobblog.com

Paul Sloane has written a great article about the 7 questions to ask at a job interview. Having just completed this process and missing a few of these questions, it would have been nice to read this last week. But, hey, I got the job without it. (I start next Monday)

Here are his recommended questions:

1. What exactly would my day-to-day responsibilities be?

2. What are the opportunities for training and career advancement?

3. What is the biggest challenge facing the organization today?

4. When did you join?

5. What are the criteria that you are looking for in the successful candidate for this position?

6. How do you feel that I measure up to your requirements for this position?

7. Would you like to hear what I could do to really help your department?

In my worst interview ever, I waited until the end of the interview to ask the interviewers role. When they rolled off these big official and very precise titles, I realized that my casual approach to answering their questions was the exact wrong approach. Would you hire a laid back casual Project Manager in a uptight, rigid, very structured organization? They didn't either and I did not get that job.

If you need to, write down the questions on a 3x5 card, whip it out and ask them. The interviewer will most likely be impressed that you took the time to prepare for the interview and had prepared questions.

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