via Lifehacker by Adam Pash on 4/13/09
We've encouraged you to start a side business to turn something you love into extra income, but if you're not sure what might make for a good side gig, The Simple Dollar has 50 suggestions.
Photo by Scoro.
From antique refurbishment to web site design, the list offers a ton of side business ideas that don't require all that much from you in terms of start-up cost and commitment. Instead, they're jobs you can work on in your spare time as much or as little as you want. For example, here's a side gig that The Simple Dollar's Trent has tackled himself, and one that most Lifehacker readers could probably take on with relative ease:
Computer troubleshooting: I had some success with this in the past, though I've largely moved away from it now. If you have a knack for fixing computers, this is a good place to start.
Already got a healthy side business bringing in a little extra income in tough times? Let's hear about it in the comments. If all goes really well and your side job looks like it could turn into a viable business on its own, then you may want to take a look at how your fellow readers have successfully turned their side business into a full-time job.