In todays job market, there are a few skills that you need to get the next job.
1) The skills to do the job,
2) the skills to find the job.
One of those skills in the second set is creating a resume.
Here is a brief list of ideas.
1. Get your resume online.
2. Buy a URL that describes the job you are after.
3. Title Tag and Page Title
4. Make sure that all your Resume Copy can be found by search bots.
5. Use relevant jey words.
6. Job Titles
7. Image optimisation
8. Alt Tags
9. Links
10. Not too wordy
11. Leverage Social rating and bookmarking sites
12. Cross link your personal social sites
13. Get links from industry sites of publications
How to search engine optimize (SEO) your resume.
Read more here [wegerbauer.com]