How to Get the Right People on Your Team


How to Get the Right People on Your Team

Most of us are better at keeping appointments with other people than we are at keeping time scheduled for ourselves. That's why it's easier to show up at the gym when you're meeting a friend. Be careful which friend you choose to work out with though, or you may end up at the bakery enjoying muffins and a latte. The same is true with building your support network for your professional growth. When you get that urge to start making some changes in your professional life, do yourself a favor and build in a network of support. If you're not ready to hire a professional coach, then get yourself someone who will help keep you accountable to set and hold to your new goals. This new model of peer-to-peer coaching is priceless, especially for people outside the traditional corporate environments like entrepreneurs and small business owners. Photo byarielmeow. More »