Interview Tip - Conversational skills - Vihn Giang


Do you know what the most overlooked skill is when it comes to communication skills? 

Conversational skills

And why is this skill so powerful when it comes to your next job interview? 

It’s important because if you’ve made it to the interview portion of the process… 

It means that you already qualify technically for the role - now they just want to see if they like you. 

We know this for a fact… 

People do business with people they like.

So, how do we increase our likability? 

The answer is simple!

Master your conversational skills. 

Learning how to improve your conversational ability has a direct application to helping you land your next dream job, or building relationships with future colleagues, friends, or even partners! 

Join me for my free 2 hour masterclass on the Art of Conversation, where we will cover the following: 

  • The Mastery Cycle: A three-step process to master any communication skill. (And no, it doesn’t involve watching others do it!)

  • 3x Conversational Frameworks: If you often find yourself lost for words, these frameworks will make steering conversations as smooth as an expert sailor in calm seas.

  • Knowledge Acquisition Trap: Have you been studying communication skills for a while now but don’t see progress? We’ll deep dive into the reason why.

Come join me andy 🙂 

We have some amazing prizes to give away too! We will be doing over 28 giveaways during the free masterclass! The only way to win is to be there live

If you show up for you, we will show up for you ♥️ 

This class will not be recorded and there will be no replays, so make sure to join live! 


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